Learn Everything You Need to Know About Dental Support Organizations and Dental Group Practices Below.
Six Emerging Dental Groups to Watch Now
As the pendulum continues to swing towards the group dentistry model, here is Group Dentistry Now's list of six DSOs to watch in 2017 (in alphabetical order)*: Founded March 1, 2017, CORDENTAL Group is a start-up with six locations under consideration in the...
What Dentists Really Think Of DSOs (A Survey)
There is no denying DSOs are growing at rapid rate. What is not clear is how this will affect the industry and how long this growth will continue. As someone who has been in dentistry almost 30 years, as both a private practitioner and one involved on the business...
The Attack On DSOs
It is no secret that there is an attack on DSOs. Take a look at dental message boards, watch what some state dental boards are doing, and look at some of the dental companies that now provide “solutions” to help dentists compete against “corporate” dentistry. Why the...
Dental Support Organizations’ Affiliation Strategy
Acquiring dental practices is an important growth strategy for dental support organizations. In an earlier piece I wrote about a trend towards de novo locations, but there is still plenty of opportunity for dentists who have solid practices and would like...
DSO And Dental Group Practice Vocabulary 101
When navigating the world of dental business models, you will encounter terminology and acronyms which are new, vague, and confusing. Let’s define and explain common verbiage used in the DSO and dental group practice space. Corporate Dentistry The term “corporate...
Understanding Our Differences: Dental Support Organization Models
At JoinDSO, we are involved in many aspects of the DSO / group practice market –services. One of our main services is consulting. We consult, educate and strategize with many types of companies. Some are private equity companies that are looking to invest in the DSO...
When Does A Dental Group Practice Become A DSO?
There is much confusion and fluidity in the nomenclature of our evolving sector of the dental industry. Here at JoinDSO we have decided to focus several upcoming articles on industry-specific terms and acronyms which are often misunderstood or misinterpreted. The...
Why Does Organized Dentistry Hate DSOs?
Opinion What do state dental boards and state dental associations have against dental support organizations? The answer is pretty clear. Just about everything. Let’s explore why organized dentistry is anti-DSO: COMPETITION. State dental boards and dental...